
Master Organic Chemistry Reaction Guide

Wittig Reaction – conversion of ketones/aldehydes to alkenes

Description: The Wittig reaction is a useful way of forming alkenes from phosphorus ylides (“Wittig Reagents”) and aldehydes or ketones.

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8 thoughts on “Wittig Reaction – conversion of ketones/aldehydes to alkenes

  1. Are there Wittig reagents that are more commonly used? How do you know what reagent to use? I have a lot of problems where we’re given the final product and then have to show how they can be synthesized, but I’m really confused about how to figure out which reagents is appropriate to use.

  2. Isn’t the final Alkene confirmation dependent on the R-groups of the Ylide, Cis from an unstablized ylide and trans from the semi/fully stabilized ylide?

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