
Master Organic Chemistry Reaction Guide

Addition of Hydroiodic Acid to Alkenes to Give Alkyl Iodides

Description: Treatment of alkenes with hydroiodic acid (HI) leads to the formation of alkyl iodides. Note that the iodine always ends up on the more substituted carbon.

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5 thoughts on “Addition of Hydroiodic Acid to Alkenes to Give Alkyl Iodides

  1. I saw the post about rearrangements in alkene additions, very helpful. But just a suggestion: It would’ve been nice to have a note about it here as well

  2. Um…I might be wrong but as far as I know Iodine has the greatest atomic size of all the members of the halogen groups so shouldn’t it try to detach itself from the organic compound thus making the compound highly unstable

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