Comments on: The Stronger The Acid, The Weaker The Conjugate Base Wed, 31 Jul 2024 13:08:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: AH Wed, 31 Jul 2024 13:08:43 +0000 Why does lone pair stability increase going from C, N, O to F, but radical stability is the opposite way around?

By: James Ashenhurst Thu, 29 Dec 2022 15:00:22 +0000 In reply to Haider.

The main difference is that nucleophilicity is much more sensitive to steric hindrance.

Basicity is a measure of the equilibrium between a Lewis base and a proton (H+). These reactions are often reversible. So the position of the equilibrium tells you the relative energy differences between the starting material and reactants.

Nucleophilicity is a measure of the reaction between a Lewis base and any other electrophile besides H+ (most commonly carbon in our cases). These reactions are generally not reversible. So to measure nucleophilicity we generally have to measure the reaction *rates*.

Reactions between Lewis bases and carbon are much more sensitive to steric hindrance than are reactions of Lewis bases with H+ (because attacking carbon requires orbital overlap with a sigma* orbital that may be difficult to access on a tetrahedral carbon atom via backside attack).

By: James Ashenhurst Thu, 29 Dec 2022 14:55:23 +0000 In reply to Prithu.

The order of basicity F(-), Cl(-), Br(-), and I(-) is the same in both polar protic and polar aprotic solvents.

However the *magnitude* of basicity for F(-) is much higher in polar aprotic solvents than in polar protic solvents. Hydrogen bonding greatly attenuates the basicity of F(-). In cases where water can be (mostly) removed, anhydrous F(-) is an extremely strong base.

By: James Ashenhurst Thu, 29 Dec 2022 14:51:43 +0000 In reply to Mihira Karn.

Because the other product is HO(-) which is a considerably stronger base than F(-) (by about a factor of 11 orders of magnitude, compare the pKa of H2O (14) to that of HF (3). ). That’s why it doesn’t proceed.

By: Shreyas Tue, 27 Dec 2022 14:13:48 +0000 Great site & I appreciate your efforts ♡

By: James Ashenhurst Fri, 16 Sep 2022 08:59:08 +0000 In reply to Hina.

Cl(-) *is* a weaker base than F(-).

By: Hina Fri, 16 Sep 2022 07:15:46 +0000 Is that’s the case than why HCl is stronger acid than HF

By: Mihira Karn Thu, 08 Jul 2021 03:35:30 +0000 I am not understanding F- reaction with base. As you have written that F- with H2O doesn’t proceed but the product in this reaction is HF which is the strongest acid and nature always want more stability so why doesn’t it proceed?

By: Mia Mon, 22 Mar 2021 04:22:57 +0000 What would happen if I were to compare HF and HI? I am lost beacuse Flouride ion ,as you pointed out, has the highest electronegativity so a stable lone pair thus rendering HF the stonger acid and HI the weaker acid but that’s not the case.
So what is meant by stability of lone pairs? Is it related to eletronegativity or size of the ion?

By: Isuru Dilshan Sat, 05 Sep 2020 05:45:12 +0000 Thank You so Much. This content secured 6 marks in my Term Test. Keep UP!
