Comments on: Success Stories: How Corina Got The The “Hard” Professor – And Got An A+ Anyway Tue, 23 Jan 2024 20:27:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tayler hutto Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:34:40 +0000 Hi everyone!
I decided to write on here about my thrilling organic chemistry adventures in my college undergraduate years. Organic 1 was actually really interesting and fun. I thought the whole process was easy and actually tutored others in most of the misunderstood concepts. I read up on lots of organic work and studied more than 30 hours a week. I think orgo gets a bad rep because it is a difficult class to take, but once you start to see the patterns and understand the concepts, it’s alot of fun. Organic 2, however, well….lets just say…it’ll definitely give you a run for your money. While orgo 1 was easy and fun to learn, organic 2 was far more rigorous because it takes concepts and adds twists and turns to it on how each compound is added to others to form new molecules and different names. Nomenclature will be a big thing, so pay attention in organic 1. If you don’t understand anything in organic 1, you are pretty much doomed for organic 2. But both classes are amazing to learn! (If you enjoy stretching your brain and chemistry) it honestly opens your eyes to a new world and understanding. Like for example, when you go to the store to buy products, like shampoo or soap or canned goods. You find yourself looking on the box at all the organic and inorganic materials, then picturing the structures in your head and how the mechanisms work, in order to create a new product. I’m actually taking toxicology this term (the study of toxic agents and poisons) because I enjoy chemistry so much, organic in particular, and I have always found toxic chemicals and agents fascinating. Like, what makes them toxic and how they effect us and our environment. Orgo is awesome!!
